Gameplay Screenshots
- “Hard Lock Mode” which will allow players to engage the enemy during dogfights.
- The single-player campaign will feature 15 missions across various settings
- Danger Zone Mode”, which is basically a single-player Horde/Firefight mode… in the sky!
- multiplayer will also have three distinct modes that can accommodate up to 16 players.
- Co-op fans will have three separate missions: Carrier Strike, Base Defense, and Aircraft Escort. These missions can utilize up to four players in a base defense mode against waves of incoming enemy AI units.
- numerous customization options for each plane, so that you can customize your bird (including top-end fighters like the F14D Super Tomcat, F22 Raptor and F/A-18F Super Hornet) just like the Aces did “back-in-the-day”.
System Requirements
CPU: Intel core 2 Duo E6305 1.87GHz/athlon II X2 26ou
GPU:Gforce 510/Readeon HD 2900GT
Memory: 2 GB RAM
OS:win xp 32
HDD space:9GB
Installation Notes:
Top Gun: Hard Lock Download